How to Handle a Denied Car Accident Claim.

You’ve been injured by another driver’s negligence, and the situation is difficult enough. If the at-fault driver’s insurance provider, however, proceeds to deny your claim, the matter is that much more dire. While it is unfortunate that the insurance company is putting you through this additional anxiety on top of everything else, it is important to understand that the law – and not the insurance company itself – will ultimately decide how your car accident claim will be resolved (if the insurance company refuses to engage in fair negotiations). If you find yourself in the difficult position of having your car accident claim denied, an experienced St. Louis car accident attorney has the experience and skill to help. A NOTE ABOUT THE CAR INSURANCE COMPANY You recognize that the car insurance company is paid to cover your physical, financial, and emotional damages, but what you may not realize is that the insurance company that is handling your case is in the business of making money. T...