Do you require legal counsel for juvenile offenses in Missouri? - law-stl

Any person involved in a legal proceeding has the right to be represented by a St. Louis attorney . However, not everyone can afford to hire an attorney. In these cases, the court may appoint a free attorney to represent the person. The criteria for appointing a free attorney are governed by certain statutes and Supreme Court Rules. The most important criteria is whether the person is indigent. This means that the person cannot afford to hire an attorney. In addition to being indigent, the person must also request appointment of counsel. The court will not appoint an attorney for someone who does not request it. The court may also appoint an attorney for a child, even if the child’s parents are not indigent. This is because children are often not able to represent themselves in court and need the help of an attorney to protect their rights. The court may also appoint an attorney for a custodian, but only if the custodian is indigent a...