4 Things to Do after a Serious Truck Accident to Protect Your Rights

After a serious truck accident, it's important to know your legal rights and take the right steps to protect them. Here are some important tips to follow after an accident.

A commercial truck crash can happen in a single instant, though there is often a long road to recovery ahead for injured accident victims. While it can be difficult to know exactly how to proceed in the wake of a collision with a semi-truck, what you do or do not do following your accident can have a significant impact on your accident and injury claim. The following are four steps to take to protect your rights after a truck crash and injuries.

CALL 911

Truck crashes commonly result in severe injuries to motorists, and you want to ensure you get the emergency medical help you need. By calling 911 – or having someone else do so – you can make sure you know whether you need an ambulance ride or other immediate treatment. Calling 911 will also dispatch law enforcement officers to the scene of the crash, which is also important. Officers can issue citations if the truck driver violated traffic laws, or they can arrest impaired or reckless drivers. The police report can be extremely helpful in your claim, as well.


If you can stay at the scene, you should take photos of the vehicles involved, property damage, tire marks, road and weather conditions, and more. Write down what you remember happening as soon as you get the chance, as your memory of key details can fade quickly after a traumatic event. If witnesses stopped, get their contact information and ask if you or your attorney can contact them for help.


Just because you did not need ambulance transportation does not mean you do not need medical treatment for your injuries. Non-life-threatening injuries still need to be properly diagnosed by a medical professional, and you should ensure you undergo necessary treatment so you can make a full recovery if possible. It is wise to head directly to the emergency room, urgent care, or your doctor’s office, depending on how serious your injuries are.

Remember that some injuries do not have immediate symptoms, but they might worsen over the next few days. If you feel anything out of the ordinary – such as soreness, stiffness, or disorientation – you should see a doctor. A timely diagnosis not only provides the treatment you need, but it also helps with your truck accident insurance claim.


Truck accidents are complicated, as are the claims that follow them. You should enlist the help of a skilled personal injury attorney st.louis as soon as possible following your crash so they can assess your rights. Often, the longer you wait to start the legal process, the more challenging the case can become.


At the law firm of Bruntrager & Billings, P.C., we provide representation that injury victims can trust. We handle complex truck crash cases, and we can advise you of your legal options. Call 314-646-0066 or contact us online for your free case evaluation today.4 Things to Do after a Serious Truck Accident to Protect Your Rights

Source URL — https://law-stl.com/4-things-to-do-after-a-serious-truck-accident-to-protect-your-rights/



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